Who would have thought on March 1st that we would likely spend the entire spring at home, alone instead of enjoying a more active social life? While there were signs, we could somewhat prepare for this period by observing examples from other countries, the sudden onset of the pandemic caught us all off guard. By now, we have likely experienced the greatest trials posed by the new circumstances, engaging in numerous activities we had only contemplated at home, and beginning to restructure our lives, as adaptation and reassessment are the only ways to maintain our physical and mental well-being.
But what should we pay attention to during such times, and how can we reorganize our lives so that the benefits are integrated into our daily routines in the long term?
Transformed Environment
We have reached the third challenge of our lifestyle-changing program: establishing a proper hair care routine at home. However, before we dive into the details, it’s essential to pay attention to a few environmental factors. The health of our hair and scalp is dependent on the overall health of our bodies, and conversely, if we struggle with any hair issues, the root cause is likely found in the bigger picture, not necessarily due to inadequate activity of the hair follicles.
For instance, stress, trauma, disturbances in emotional balance, harmful external factors, chemicals, and an unhealthy lifestyle can all lead to unpleasant symptoms ranging from hair loss and greasiness to scalp irritation. Given the current situation, we may experience intense hair loss if we do not pay enough attention to ourselves. We have compiled a list of things to focus on during the pandemic and the positive outcomes that lie within the virus-induced situation!
Stress Management and Relief
Are you afraid of losing your job? Is your business declining before your eyes? Are you overcommitting yourself while working from home, with no one to share the accumulated tension? Have you invested years of work into a project that has now stalled, and who knows when it will resume? Are you stuck deciding what to do next, unable to find an alternative in the current situation? Do you feel anxious when the food at home runs low and you have to go back to the grocery store? Are your loved ones far away, and you feel unable to care for them right now?
The triggers of stress could be listed for pages, but everyone can likely recall their own sources of stress. It’s important to recognize what has caused our stress, what makes us anxious, and to evaluate our situation. Writing it down can make things easier: create two columns, one labeled with a minus and the other with a plus, and for each new negative factor, write its positive counterpart.

For example: I have no job for the foreseeable future, BUT I finally have time to learn German. Self-reflection can significantly aid in identifying our problems, which is a huge step forward in dealing with them.
Our tips:
- Change your attitude!
- Look at the positive side of things!
- Reflect on yourself and your life!
- Take control!
- Make a schedule!
- Manage stress!
- Keep a journal!
- Organize your days!
- Dare to switch and change!
- Make decisions and plan!
Stress is not a game, even though it has become a very common phenomenon nowadays. It limits our focus, weakens our ability to concentrate, drains our energy, causes fatigue and anxiety, and not least, it weakens our immune system. In the long term, it generates numerous other symptoms. Such symptoms include prolonged headaches, chronic migraines, panic disorders, weight loss or obesity, joint problems, and it is also the root cause of many hair and scalp issues, with hair loss being the most typical.
Untreated stress can be extremely harmful to our health, parasitically feeding off our bodies, yet we often fail to connect the symptoms with the underlying causes and do not investigate the problems. Currently, effective stress management may seem hopeless, as we cannot go to a masseuse, psychologist, or relaxation training. However, we can freely explore options online! Moreover, if we try to independently identify the sources of our stress and find solutions, our self-confidence and self-esteem will strengthen, and our personalities will further develop.
Yoga, Meditation, Pilates
Let’s create a schedule and organize our days! Don’t let time, idleness, and an inability to act weigh you down! Look at the positive side: since the pandemic began, numerous workout plans and online courses have become available that we can dive into at home, without the need to acquire equipment. We can now try out an endless variety of meditation exercises, beginner and advanced dance classes, yoga practices, and other movement techniques; we just need to search the internet.

Getting started is the hardest part. The best strategy is to find a personal anchor, a goal to set for ourselves. Let’s take small steps and choose simple goals, such as improving our well-being, maintaining our muscles, or relaxing. The results will undoubtedly be impressive!
It helps to summarize the day’s events at the end of each day and write down a few positive points about the day. Keeping a journal can be a more time-consuming but rewarding way to track our work and results!
Health on the Agenda
Are we checking the fridge every hour? Are we constantly seeing cake recipes in culinary groups and craving things we wouldn’t normally want? It’s hard to resist temptation when there’s no activity to capture our attention. However, continuous eating and snacking can harm us, our well-being, and our bodies more than the momentary joy and satisfaction it provides.
If we combine this with sports and supplement it with vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits, this balance can easily be restored, and our immune system will thank us for it! Let’s crunch on celery, carrots, and apples instead of a few unnecessary meals, and let’s do planks two to three times a day for a few minutes. We’ll feel much better while also supporting our body’s resilience.

New Goals, New Plans
We are living in a period of decisions, choices, and changes. The current situation triggered by the pandemic presents both risks and opportunities; the only question is which one we choose to focus on. We can opt for resignation and anxiety, but we must recognize that fear consumes the soul. However, if we choose novelty, change, and transformation, we can expect a transformation, personal development, and individual successes that will accompany us throughout our lives. The characteristic of a “fast-paced world” has had a negative connotation in our daily lives for decades, but now we can take a breather and finally have time to think, consider, and plan.
What do we truly want? What has caused our dissatisfaction so far? In what areas could I improve? What were my plans ten years ago, and how does my life compare to those goals? If I had the opportunity, what would I do differently, and what resources do I have to make it happen? When would I be satisfied with myself, and how would I like to see myself?
Planning helps shift the focus from the negative aspects and discomforts of the present situation to the future and possibilities. Much depends on our mindset! It’s time to look within and plan as individuals, entrepreneurs, employees, parents, and children. Self-actualization truly requires just two things: the ability to make decisions and the will to act. It would be a shame to miss this unexpectedly presented opportunity—the time for reflection!
Changing Together
The word “together” may seem bizarre now (during the pandemic), but what is happening is a global phenomenon that we are bringing about collectively. The pandemic teaches us not only to develop our independence and individual capabilities but also to pay attention to one another and act together for the common good. The most wonderful result of the stay-at-home orders and restrictions is the change in our environment and our relationship with the Earth.

We are part of and supporters of the most successful environmental effort to date, which requires just one tool: collaboration. Our waters are becoming cleaner, air pollution is decreasing, and the Earth is becoming more livable for both animals and humans. Undoubtedly, the most beautiful gift of the pandemic is the global change, which we must continue to pursue together in the long term.

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